
A Dedicated Volunteer Shares His Experience with the FoodBank

Last year, thousands visited the FoodBank to help support our mission, donating more than 105,000 hours to the cause. Bob is among our most dedicated volunteers.

After retiring in December 2010, Bob found the FoodBank through United Way and contacted us to learn how he could help. Since then, he’s helped with various projects, from working in the Thrift Shop that the FoodBank used to have to sorting and packing food. He then transitioned into doing IT work, helping Chef Paul develop a student database for the Food Service Training Academy.

Over the years, Bob has become an important part of our IT team, helping to improve the systems that keep the FoodBank running day after day. He volunteers with us several days a week, regularly attending the IT team’s daily meetings, and is always there to help out when needed.

When asked about his role as an integral part of the FoodBank team, Bob told us, “I enjoy computer work, and I enjoy the staff of the FoodBank that I’ve met. It’s a very team-oriented organization.”

He also connects strongly with our mission of feeding hungry people in New Jersey, “I do feel that the mission is important. It’s helping people that are struggling to make ends meet,” he said.

Bob has visited a number of our agency partners, as well, to help them with systems and paperwork. “That enables me to see firsthand the people who we’re helping,” he told us, “which is very gratifying to see.”

We couldn’t feed our food insecure neighbors without the help of dedicated volunteers like Bob! Click here to find out how you can become a volunteer.