
New Numbers Highlight Hunger Problem

Despite all the talk of economic recovery and job growth, new numbers drive home the fact that hunger in America remains stubbornly high, and a harsh reality for millions of people across the country.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture just released its annual report on food security, and found that last year people in 17.4 million households didn’t have enough to eat.  That means the government’s own numbers show more than 48.1 million Americans, including 15.3 million children,  are struggling in the face of hunger.  The 2014 figures are little changed for the year before, highlighting just how much still needs to be done.  The news comes at a crucial time for some of the country’s most vital anti-hunger programs.  The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, put into law five years ago, is set to expire at the end of the month.  Congress must reauthorize programs including National School Breakfast, School Lunch and  Summer Food Service child feeding programs – as well as WIC, for low-income women, infants and children.  Our Advocacy Department needs your voice and support this Hunger Action Month to make sure these programs continue, and are strengthened. Click here to find out more about current legislation and policy priorities, and find out what you can do to join the effort to save these programs.